Philosophical Sites to Visit

Philosophical Sites to Visit
My photo taken at The Temple of Apollo at Delphi

Thursday, February 16, 2017

What is Time????

For an interesting discussion on the nature of time, see the Scottish philosopher MacTaggart's discussion in Wikipedia.   His distinction between two theories of time, based on either the "A-series" and the "B-series" has become a standard way of debating the topic in philosophy.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Consider the Carrington Event:  Why is it important to us now?  Perhaps we should not be so dependent on our digital devices?

Image result for coronal mass ejection 2012

In 1859, Sir Richard Carrington observed a coronal mass ejection of staggering proportion that was aimed at the earth producing a large geomagnetic storm in our magnetosphere.

The author of the Wikipedia article on this event (See this link to the article:  Wikipedia Article reference ) makes this worrisome statement: "Studies have shown that a solar storm of this magnitude occurring today would likely cause more widespread problems for a modern and technology dependent society."

Sunday, February 12, 2017

A great and wonderful logician and philosophy professor has died.  Raymond Smullyan who wrote widely on logic and mathematics.  I used his logic books  in my courses...Here is his obit from the NYTimes...check it out..   Wonderful Puzzle books such as "What is the Name of this Book?"