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Philosophical Sites to Visit
My photo taken at The Temple of Apollo at Delphi

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Inverstigations into the Anthropic Principle

The question of design in the universe is an immensely interesting question.  Philosophers advocating an orderly design have pointed out the presence of purposeful behavior implied by the structure of organisms (ears designed to hear, eyes designed to see, universal constants fine-tuned to such a degree as to all but rule out chance completely. 

The strong form of this principle suggests that a kind of final causality at work guiding the evolution of the universe toward the conditions favorable to intelligent life.  Many scientists agree that a certain fine-tuning of forces in nature had to be extremely precise so make it possible for me to be writing this, and you to be reading it. 

See the following:

Monday, October 1, 2018

Harvard Law fires Kavanaugh as teacher!

Check out @anitakumar01’s Tweet: